William Walton and Sarah Fielding Burton Family

(In these pages, the book Link to history symbol is a link to a history, and the chart Link to family chart symbol is a link to a family group chart.)
No PhotoNo Photo James Burton Link to family chartLink to history
and Isabella Walton
----> Photo of William Walton BurtonPhoto of Sarah Fielding William Walton Burton Link to historyLink to history(Little Willie)
  Born 23 MAR 1833 Bradford,Yorkshire,England
  Died 27 JUN 1918 OGDEN,Weber,Utah
Sarah Ann Fielding Link to history
  Born 19 MAY 1851 Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,UT
  Died 30 NOV 1938 Afton,Lincoln,Wyoming
  23 May 1870 Endowment House,Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah
   William Walton also married Rachel Fielding Link to family chart 28 MAR 1856 Endowment House,Salt Lake City, Utah
   William Walton also married Ellen Fielding Link to family chart 2 NOV 1862 Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah
picture of Joseph FieldingHannah Greenwood Joseph Fielding
and Hannah Greenwood Link to family chart
Photo of Thomas BurtonAliceMaudeCall Thomas Fielding Burton
  Born 12 MAY 1871 OGDEN,Weber,UT
  Died 8 APR 1963 Ogden, UT
  Married Alice Maud Call 22 June 1898 Salt Lake City, UT
The 1st child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding
Arthur Fielding BurtonKittie Calpurna Dixon Arthur Fielding Burton
  Born 30 JUN 1873 OGDEN,Weber,UT
  Died 14 MAY 1949 Afton, WY
  Married Kittie Calpurna Dixon 10 Oct 1894 Salt Lake City, UT
The 2nd child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding
Alice Ann BurtonClarence GArdner Alice Ann Burton
  Born 2 SEP 1875 OGDEN,Weber,UT
  Died 28 FEB 1957 Afton, WY
  Married Clarence Gardner 8 Oct 1897 Salt Lake City, UT
The 3rd child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding
* Parley Parson Burton
  Born 10 JUL 1878 OGDEN,Weber,UT
  Died 8 MAR 1883 OGDEN,Weber,UT
The 4th child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding
Photo of Wilford BurtonIvie Irene Rainey Wilford Fielding Burton
  Born 17 MAY 1882 OGDEN,Weber,UT
  Died 5 NOV 1969 Afton, WY
  Married Ivie Irene Rainey 22 Dec. 1910 Salt Lake City, UT
The 5th child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding
* Emma Burton
  10 AUG 1884 - 10 AUG 1884 OGDEN,Ut
The 6th child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding
Ephraim Fielding BurtonHenrietta Kolshorn Ephraim Fielding Burton (another picture).
  Born 3 APR 1886 Smithfield,Cache,UT
  Died 7 MAY 1924 Salt Lake City
  Married Christine Henrietta Kolshorn 18 Sep 1918 Laramie, WY

Family picture. This shows them with their little daughter "Little Pal" (Vilate Agnes Burton).
She died shortly after her father did (On October 12 at age 5).

The 7th child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding
Photo of George BurtonMary Frances Poulter George Fielding Burton
  Born 27 APR 1888 Afton,Lincoln,WY
  Died 14 MAY 1971 Afton, WY
  Married Mary Frances Poulter 14 Jun 1911 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake,Utah
The 8th child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding
Josephine BagleyWilliam Lester Bagley Josephine Burton
  Born 23 DEC 1890 Afton,Lincoln,WY
  Died 18 June 1989 Orem, UT
  Married William Lester Bagley 3 Apr. 1918 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake,Utah
The 9th child of William Walton Burton and Sarah Fielding

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