Joseph Fielding as Baptized May 21, 1836 by Elder (Apostle) Parley P. Pratt, at Chester Settlement (about 10 miles from Toronto) in Black Creek on his own farm. His sisters, Mary and Mercy Fielding, were also baptized at this time and several others.

Joseph Fielding was ordained a Teacher in the Priesthood in the summer of 1836 by Parley P. Pratt, and at a Conference of the new Church Members of Canada at Churchville, Upper Canada, April 29, 1837 he was ordained a Priest.

After joining the Saints in Kirkland he was called to accompany Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde and Williard Richards to open the missionary work in England, and was set apart for his missionary calling by the Church Presidency, Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdry and Sydney Rigdon in June 1837. They departed for England from New York, 1 July 1837 and arrived in England 18 days later. He was ordained an Elder by Elder (Apostle) Heber C. Kimball, 28 October 1837 at the first conference in England. An April 8, 1838 he was ordained a High Priest and set apart as President of the British Mission.

He was married to Hannah Greenwood 11 June 1838, which was according to the counsel and approval of President Heber C. Kimball.

Patriarchal Blessing given to Joseph Fielding by Joseph Smith, Sr., the first Patriarch of the Church.

Brother Fielding, in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood which the Lord has conferred upon me, I lay my hands on thy head. Thou art a descendant of Israel, and I empower thee to lay hands upon the heads of thy posterity, to bless them, for though thou hast no posterity now, yet God will give thee descendants and thou must stand as a patriarch to bless them.

Thy descent has been from Abraham, through the loins of Joseph. Thou art entitled to the priesthood, and thou shalt have power and thy posterity shall become mighty men and women in the earth. Thou shalt have power over the winds and waves, and the floods shall obey thee. Thou shalt have power to stand amidst the ungodly generation and prevail over their prejudices.

Be faithful and Heaven and Earth shall be thine for thou shalt be great on the earth and be honored by thy fellow man. Thou shalt tarry to see great events fulfilled in this generation. Thou mayest live, if thou art a man of God, to see thy Saviour come in clouds of glory of Heaven. At any rate, if thou dost sleep, thy sleep shall be short and thou shalt be a member of the first resurrection.

By the authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal these blessings upon you, and I seal thee up to Eternal Life.

By Patriarch Joseph Smith, Sr. - 1837

Given to Joseph Fielding before his mission to England

Another blessing given to Joseph Fielding by Heber C. Kimball while they labored as missionaries in England, June 16, 1840 (pg. 79, Joseph Fielding Diary)

Patriarchal blessing given to Joseph Fielding by Elder Heber C. Kimball in England as recorded in the diary of Joseph Fielding. A copy of this diary is in LDS Historical Library

Brother Kimball had told me a few days ago that he had a blessing for me, that he would give it (to) me as soon as he had an opportunity, and today we took time to attend to it at Bro. T. Smith's, which I will here insert - Jun 26, 1840. This was not written in full till the 17th of July. At this time Elder K. (Kimball) sat and spoke it and I wrote it at (as) his mouth as follows:

Bro. Joseph, I now lay my hands upon thy head in the name of Jesus Christ, as by the authority of the Holy Priesthood. Inasmuch as thou hast left all and received the new and everlasting Covenant, thou shalt be blessed with long life, for thy motive has been to serve God and to become a Might Man in his Kingdom and because this has been thy intention, thou shalt go forth according to the desire of thy Heart. Thou shalt go forth and the Angel of God shall go before thee and prepare the hearts of the People to receive thy testimony and they shall hear thee and thou shalt baptise many for the Remission of Sins and lay on hands and they shall receive the Holy Ghost and build up many Churches unto God and this shall be thy desire through life. And the Lord shall inspire thee with this Spirit and this desire and thy Faith shall become great before the Lord. Thou shalt have Power to heal the Sick and cast out Devils, to cause the Lame to walk, the Dumb to speak and the Deaf to hear. And inasmuch as thou art faithful and hearkenest to the Council of God and wilt listen to his Servants that he has set to roll forth the Kingdom the Power of the Priesthood of Melchizedek shall rest upon thee and thou shalt have Power to do all these things, for this is the desire of thy Heart. And the time shall come when thou shalt say to the Dead, come forth and they shall come forth and thou shalt be an instrument in the Hands of God, of bringing many of thy Kinsfolk into the Kingdom and of proclaiming deliverance to thy Father and Mother and they shall rise up and bless thee and thy Posterity for they shall be blessed in their generation, for they shall be great in the Earth. And thy companion shall share with thee in these Blessings, for she shall be blessed. She shall have many Sons and Daughters that shall be great in the Earth and her desire shall be for thee to go forth to gather up the Israel of God to the Land of Zion, to build up her waste places, to establish her that she shall be thrown down no more forever. All these Blessings shall rest upon thee inasmuch as thou wilt hold the Character of thy Brethren sacred. There shall also be kept and no good thing shall be withheld from thee or thine and thou shalt be esteemed great in the Earth, and thou shalt become a Prophet, Priest, and a King, to administer forever and ever. And the time speedily cometh that thou shalt go forth with thy Family upon the Land of Joseph to receive thy Inheritance on that goodly Land. And inasmuch as thou art faithful thou shalt see the Saints that have been driven (out), restored to their own Lands and their Enemies brought Low. Hold the Character of thy Brethren sacred and God shall hold them sacred, and nothing shall be withheld from thee, and thou shalt see greater things than have entered into thy heart. Satan has tempted thee to be rebellious, but the Spirit of God has said Be still, and thou shalt overcome all evil Propensities and become pure. All these Blessings I seal upon them in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen.